Ringfort 5 Bridge Bar 3
The Ringfort retained the SW League title after defeating the Bridge Bar 5-3, both teams played an exciting final in front of a large crowd in Carrick last Friday night; The Ringfort got off to the best possible start by winning the three doubles (the same start as their semi final win against The Glenhead).

Hugh Doherty/Connie Doherty 1-2 John Quigley/Paul McGeoghan
Seamus Curran/Raymond Hegerty 1-2 Declan Cunningham/Niall Cunningham
James Byrne/Adrian Byrne 1-2 Richie Cunningham/Emmett Quigley
In the singles the Bridge cut the lead to one point back to after Raymond Hegerty and Hugh Doherty threw some great darts to win the first two games against John and Emmett Quigley, Declan Cunningham beat Seamus Curran 2-1 to take The Ringfort to within one point of retaining the title.  James Byrne beat Niall Cunningham 2-0 to make it 4-3 and in the next game Adrian Byrne won the first leg against Paul McGeoghan but Paul threw the best darts of the night to win the next
two legs to win the title.
Raymond Hegerty 2-0 John Quigley
Hugh Doherty 2-1 Emmett Quigley
Seamus Curran 1-2 Declan Cunningham
James Byrne 2-0 Niall Cunningham
Adrain Byrne 1-2 Paul McGeoghan
Ronald Doherty v Richie Cunningham

Runners up Bridge Bar

It was a very sporting gesture by the Bridge Bar to offer the Ringfort the chance to play this match as they could of held onto the cup that they were awarded two weeks ago (which they would have every right to and it was their own decision to play the game).

The final venue was decided before the semi finals were played as I pointed out on Friday and there was a stage set up for the original night so some of the things said to me on Friday night and other issues surrounding the final were very unfair and this has made me consider my position on the committee.

Thanks to all the checkers and markers, Oliver and the staff of the Bridge and anyone who helped on Friday and also thanks to all eleven teams who took part in this season’s league which was a great success (apart from the events surrounding the final but enough has been said about that).

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