Kilcar House 8 Glenhead 2

Kilcar House made it five league wins in a row with this 8-2 win over Glenhead, leading 2-1 after the doubles Kenneth Kennedy beat Hugh Doherty Jnr 3-0 in the opening singles and had a 14 darts leg. They now play Roartys in the league semi-final next Saturday in the Bridge Bar.

O’Donnell’s 3 Cope House 7

The Cope House got the points they needed to pip O’Donnell’s into the last remaining league playoff position, Philip Gallagher beat Andrew Gillespie in the opening singles 3-2, Big Francies await the Cope in the league semis while O’Donnell’s play the Bridge Bar in the B semis.

Roartys 8 Bridge Bar 2

Roartys kept their 100% home record intact with a 8-2 win over The Bridge Bar, John McGinley beat Adrian Byrne 3-2 in the opening singles and Dermot McGuire had a 13 dart leg. Roarty’s play Kilcar House next weekend in the semis as they bid to retain the league title.





League Semi finals

Big Francies v Cope House Friday 22nd March in Roartys  

(Cope House 4 Big Francies 6, Big Francies 7 Cope House 3)

Roartys v Kilcar House Saturday 23rd March in Bridge Bar

(so far this season Roartys 7 Kilcar House 3, Kilcar House 6 Roartys 4)

Knockout Cup Semi Final Saturday 23rd

Bridge Bar v Cope House in O’Donnell’s

B Cup Semi-finals Friday 5th April

Bridge Bar v O’Donnell’s in Kilcar House

Glenhead v League semi-final playoff winners in O’Donnell’s

2013 Knockout Cup Final Saturday 6th April in Glenhead

Roartys v Bridge Bar/Cope House

2013 B Cup Final Friday 12th April in Big Francies


2013 League final and presentations night Saturday 13th April in Cope House

Visit our website for more about our league on  

Follow us on Facebook @ South West Donegal Darts or on our new Twitter account @swddl 

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