2010-11 Stats
League Champions: Cope House
Runners Up: Roartys
Shield Winners: Roartys
Runners Up: Cope House
Cup Winners: Roartys
Runner Up: Sliabh Liag
B Cup Winners: O'Donnells
Runners Up: Bridge Bar
Player of the Year: Antony Gallagher (Roartys)
Highest Checkout: 170 Dermot McGuire (Glenhead)
Most 180's: 11 Andrew Gillespie (O'Donnells)
Least Darts: 13 Andrew Gillespie and John McGinley
Bridge Bar Cup Winner: James Byrne (Sliabh Laig)
Runner Up: Mike Naulty (Big Francies)
Leo Molloy Winner: JJ Dolan
Runner Up: James Deery
Paddy Byrne Winner: Mike Naulty (Big Francies)
Runner Up:John McGinley (Roartys)
Con Sean Winner:John Flood
Runner Up: John Murray
Pat Rawdon Winner:Mike Naulty (Big Francies)
Runner Up: Antony Gallagher (Roartys)